a touch faster

manta in action
Patented Geometry


Manta kayaks can improve race speed while saving energy.

The patented »Ergonomic Carving Radius«, enables the boat to carve faster in and out of upstream gates maximising the power of the water to accelerate Manta Kayaks.

Carving Radius

manta benefits manta benefits








On the edge (dynamic)

1»Ergonomic Carving Edge« more draft

2More attack surface, »Finn Effect« increases forward dynamic

3Effective design
– creates more space under the gate pole

Flat position (neutral)

4Ergonomic paddel angle (closer to the longitudinal axis)

5“A-Form” allows you to move through waves more quickly. Water flows off the deck faster

6Widest point at the seat, directly at the center of mass.
– improves the response behavior
– hull flow optimized »teardrop shape«
– more volume under the waterline
(superior buoyancy & boat control)


Patented »ECR« Ergonomic Carving Radius

Larger attack area

attack area

More speed on the edge »Fin Effect«

Flow optimized


»Teardrop Shape« less turbulences



Avoids touching with fingers on deck



More volume in the middle hull

Rapid Pop Up

Schnelles Auftauchen

»A-Shape« water drains better

Smart geometry

Smarte Geometrie

More space under the pole


Manta Beam

»Manta Beam« for lighter athletes, ladies and kids (30 – 85 kg body weight)

Manta Jet

»Manta Jet« for bigger athletes with longer limbs (65 – 110 kg body weight)

Ed Wolffhardt

»Manta Kayaks« Founder and Designer

4 times vice World Champion. 26 times Austrian Champion in Canoe Slalom, Whitewater Racing and Sprint.

»You can never beat the river – you must understand how to use its flow«

The »Carving Edge«, which reduces sideways drifting and develops more dynamics in the direction of travel, was fundamental. Compared to other slalom kayaks, we placed the widest point further forward, directly at the center of mass. As a result, most of the volume is exactly where it is needed. At the same time, the »Manta Kayaks« have 5 cm more draft when edged up. Due to the larger attack surface, the boat accelerates better. Lateral slipping is reduced »Fin Effect«. Great gliding phases occur during ferries and sprints. There is a cool feeling out of eddies, being pressed even more into the seat, with a force of 2 times body weight.

Ed Wolffhardt
  • »Manta Kayaks« was honored with the »Austrian Design Award« 2017.
  • The »Ergonomic Carving Radius« was patented in 2018.

I still participate in races and also test our kayaks myself.

»We want to see you with a smile in the Manta«

Manta EVO Team

Synergy is not just a word for us. We are an international racing team of different cultures and generations. We pursue holistic thinking and action – focused on precision, team spirit and joie de vivre.

We guarantee targeted support for ambitious »Manta«-athletes, with the aim of to bring them to the world class …
We offer material support, international coaching in mental and technical areas. Medical care, professional race support are our additional services. Furthermore we organize international training camps for our Team.

At the same time we are developing in the material area and want to strengthen the confidence in the »Manta« brand.

Apply with us

Admission will be decided by a jury of former competitors and coaches.

As a team member you will benefit from:

  • International coaching (individual and by arrangement)
  • Organization of training courses (individual and by arrangement)
  • Seminars & workshops
  • Competition support (individual and by arrangement)
  • Medical support (sports medical tests, nutrient analysis, etc.)
  • Team clothing

If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail.


  • Ula Skok


    Ula Skok

    Finalist at European Open 2021

  • Noah Wilhelmer


    Noah Wilhelmer

    National Champion, U14, 2020

  • ESP

    Thyzzian Torras Guilot

    Winner of Spanish Cup, U14, 2021

  • SLO

    Janez Skok

    Manta EVO Team Chefcoach

  • ITA

    Roberto D`Angelo

    Kanu Slalom & Mental Coach

  • GER

    Markus Berg

    Bronze at Masters Worlds, 2021

  • GER

    Dieter Keck

    Sportwissenschafter und Physiotherapeut

  • AUT

    Dr. Gerhard Schmid

    Manta EVO Teamarzt


Jáchym Fröhlich, CZE

»The best boat which I ever had! It speeds me«

Max Karlsson, USA

overall Freestyle Worldcup winner

»Perfect blend of ease and predictability, gives you the confidence to push your limits«

Noah Wilhelmer, AUT

Meister U14, 2020

»Schon als 10 jähriger habe ich bemerkt, dass ich beim Paddeln schön durchziehen kann, ohne die Finger einzuklemmen«

Ambassadors & Partners

  • FRA

    Nagwa El Desouki Lanchec

    Olympia 6. Athen 2004

  • ESP & AND

    Gaspar Pellicer

    Crosscountry coach, Eventmanager

FAQ · Frequently Asked Questions

Why do „Manta Kayaks“ accelerate better?

Heavily angled up, the geometry offers more draft. Thereby there is a much larger attack surface, which uses the power of the water efficiently.

What is the difference to other slalom kayaks?

The geometry. The patented „Ergonomic Carving Radius“, the flow-optimized teardrop shape and no concave surfaces in the hull, make the difference. As a result, there is less turbulence, just like in a fish.

What are the benefits of the „Ergonomic Carving Radius“

You use the power of the water optimally. When turned up, there is 4 cm more draft, a better attack surface for currents, less sideways sliding and more forward dynamics. The volume is directly at the center of gravity and under water. This way you stay responsive and stable, improve the planing phases as well as the dynamics to the front (after „pivot turn“). Other boats have the widest part behind the seat and the volume in the deck.

Will the new geometry help me to improve my racing times?

Yes, Manta Kayaks can help you improve your performance. Through better acceleration, tracking, stability and glide.

Are »Mantas« aggresive?

Not at all, because in flat position it is neutral (edges above water level). Edged up, there is forward momentum (»Fin effect« – less lateral drift).

Do I have to invest a lot of time to be able to handle the new geometry?

Some adjust immediately - for others a few training sessions are necessary. At the same time, you gain experience when you try something completely different. In a short time you discover the right »twist«.

Is a »Manta« harder to paddle.

Little kids can handle it in heavy withe water! If you let the boat lie flatter and gradually discover the advantages of the edges, you will be amazed at how much fun this kayak has in store for you. The important thing is that you are able to stabilize your hips, further check out the right angles and lines. »Manta Kayaks« are not comfortable but fast! Find it out – it´s fun when you check it out how to ride it.

What are the benefits of riding Manta?

»Manta Kayaks« improve your performance.

Are the new models better than the old ones?

Yes, the kayaks have been gradually optimized and perfected. The development of 16 »Manta Kayaks«, decades of experience in kayaking, the cooperation with »Micado Smart Engineering« were crucial. Furthermore, insights from athletes, successful kayakers as well as coaches have been incorporated into the further development. The new kayaks are much easier to paddle and more responsive!

Why should I change the boat?

I feel comfortable in my old kayak. When you work on yourself, you also have to check the material. Feeling comfortable doesn‘t necessarily mean being faster. Be curious and discover new opportunities. Get out of your »comfort zone« to reach a new level!

How to paddle a »Manta Kayak«?

Let the boat lie neutral at first. Gradually discover the edges. Feel the benefits without using much power. Put the kayak (out of strong eddies) extremely on the inside edge to feel the acceleration. Surf a wave and steer the boat over the inside edge. Discover the gliding ability during river ferries.

How can I become part of the Manta EVO team/race team?

If you ride a Manta Kayak and are ambitious, apply here. A jury will check and decide.

Who is behind Manta Kayaks?

Ed Wolffhardt, ex vice world champion in canoe slalom and white water racing, develops the models together with „Micado Smart Engineering“ micado.at. Ed is still racing and testing his own boats.
The models are CAD data based, CNC milled to ensure accurate, hydrodynamic and symmetrical surfaces. Handmade in Europe.
Patented and Award Winning
European Patent EP3192733, Austrian Design Award 2017.



  • Chat with us
  • Arrange a test appointment
  • Just give us a call

Well-known athletes and numerous former world-class kayakers and coaches are enthusiastic (see reviews).

It's your turn now …

You want to discover Manta Kayaks?

  • Get in touch and make an appointment
  • Do you need more information?
  • Do you have any questions?

We will clarify everything in a short phone call or chat. Or write us an e-mail and tell us your open questions. We will get back to you within 48 hours.

Manta Kayaks
Ed Wolffhardt

Dorfstraße 24
9905 Gaimberg

Phone: +43 664 3850483
Email: ed@mantakayaks.com

Research, Development, Design & Sales

UID-Nr: ATU32126909

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